Monday, January 10, 2011

It's the New Year!!!!

We party hopped all over the city, we found a 14-18 year old dance at UVU=awkward. We found a BYU movie night-lame. And luckily we found a YSA dance up by Timpanogos Temple. It was an awesome dance with balloons, confetti, and of course a countdown for the new year :)

Partying during our last few days of Christmas Break before we were all dragged back to all of our different schools: UVU, USU, and U of U.

When it's freezing outside and the storm makes it impossible to go anywhere...well, you have just got to take advantage of that--so of course you go sledding down the streets


Monday, October 4, 2010

College 2010

So a month has gone by in my sophomore year and it's been a month since Kyler left. I have been doing A LOT to keep myself busy.
Erin Bullough and I went to a Masquerade Ball held at Hatfieladelphia. Normally a plate of food was $75 but I wont two free tickets to it through Quiet Way.

Us in our dresses, but no masks.

These guys here were human statues. Throughout the night they would travel around and freeze in different positions, just like real statues. I never saw them do anything, not breathe, not not flinch. The only thing that proved they were human was that they'd blink. And I never saw them moving once, but I saw them like 6 times in different places around the place doing different positions--very cool!

These guys were so cool! They walked around all creepily on their stilts. They let us get our picture with them and had us handcuff ourselves. The first time we "pretended" to be breaking free we actually broke the chain on accident haha. Luckily Erin was able to fix it and then we took this pic haha.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My apartment

Mine and Kristy's's pretty dang big

Our kitchen. ours is the one of the few in the entire complexes that has 2 fridges, and we only have 4 roommates. I think we lucked out way good.

This is our living/ TV room. Idk if you can see our Tv sitting on the TV stand but it's about the size of a computer monitor, but at least we have one.

All these decorations are Jess' her parents brought them in. We have the bountiful temple, a picture of the Sacred Grove, and one of Christ and David touching fingers. I love having them up because it kind of makes it seem more like at home.

movie night

Luke and Kyler. Finally we did a scary movie night at mom's and dad's with their big screen tv. We watched Vacancy Clear ended up being a weaker version of the Strangers

Me attempting to get Clear Play to took us like an hour before we could finally get to watching the movie, hence the picture of Luke and Kyler chilling upstairs.

After the movie! It was pretty scary, but no nightmares anywhere here.

Kyler and Me during the movie... see the creepy eerie glow? ooooo ;)

Halloween 2009

Steven, Luke, Kyler, Kim, Josh, and Thomas. We attempted to trick or treat this year but after the first house we gave up and went to a haunted house and then to Thomas' house for a party.

Enough said here...

We have a soccer player, a dead christmas elf, a girl who was run over by a motorcycle, the guy who ran the girl over with the motorcycle, a life guard, and i'm not sure what Steven was doing

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Riva' Dance

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winter Ball

Winter Ball

This is our Winter ball group. All the guys in white and the girls in black were in our ward, that made it way fun because we all knew each other.

Stephanie and Jake

Dezi and Will

Brendon and Kim

"Don't even beg!"

Kristy and Jake
This was the most awkward pose for Kris

*smile for the camera*

"No kissing allowed on this date!"

Kristy, Dezi, Kim, and Stephanie

Sunday, October 12, 2008

All State Choir

All State Choir 2008

This year Kristy and I were in All State choir where we learned 7 really difficult songs and sang them with over 700 students from across Utah. This is a picture of us with Dr. Allred, our conductor. We all made SCHWA shirts and formed THE SCHWA, which was basically our nerdy club for All State.

Tyson Awerkamp, Colby Capps, Taylor Thomas
Katie Kelsey, Kristy, Kim, Mckinnley Barney
Check out the awesome gang sign we made up! Our fingers are the crescendo and decresendo signs that we always use in choir. OUr shirts were really cool because on the back they said, "May the SCHWA be with you" and we got Dr. Allred to sign the sleeves!

I know, We're awesome! ;)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Horseback riding with the fam

Brian and Patch
Brians horse was the biggest one of the group. Every once in awhile, Patch would
suddenly stop to eat a random piece of grass, almost sending Brian over Patch's head!

Kim and Beauty
Beauty was really sweet, but she was a really big clutz. She tripped over everything including her own feet, forcing me to hold on tight or fall overboard. She also had a mind of her own, everytime I pulled her reins to slow down, she would buck her head and pull the reins through my fingers so I couldn't hold her back. She always had to be right behind our guide.

Kristy and Geronemo
Kristy really liked her horse. He was the most nervous of all our horses, which caused Kristy to have a few hold ups when we came across ppl hiding or cows grazing.

Dad and Stitch

Mom and Buck
Buck had a hurt ankle and so mom brought up the rear. Buck was really slow, especially after the 2 hrs we spent on horseback. We found ourselves waiting for him to catch up and mom said that he kept stopping and lifting his injured foot off the ground to give it a rest. By the end we could tell that her horse could care less what it was doing and that it was done for the day. Buck would start to make his own paths and trails, ignoring anything mom tried to tell him to do!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Girls Camp Last Year

Girls Camp! Last Year

Me and Kristy first day at girls camp. You can tell by the way we dont look

horribly ugly haha. It was really hot like this
all week long. The weather man had said that
it was going to be rainy all week, so of course
we prepared for cold, but only one day was
rainy- that was one of the most fun days. The
stake even gave us shirts that we had to wear
once everyday, unfortunately these shirts were
long sleeve and stifling hot as we sat in them.

Diana Castro & Me

My cabin was awesome! The YCLS in it
were Me, Kristy, Starlee Hopkin, and
Mariela Castro. All of our girls were 1st
and 2nd years, which I loved. All of the girls
were so cute, and happy! This was the night
that was way rainy. We were told to stay inside
our cabins and not come out. We all got comfy in
our pjs and then our leaders brought us our
hot apple dutch oven desserts. We then went up
to the upstairs of the cabin where we told all the scary stories we knew. It ended
up being me and kristy telling all the scary stories and the other girls just sat and
screamed even though half the stories weren't even close to being that scary haha.

Me & Jenni Hatch

THis year our camp was united as a stake instead of
by ward. In someways this was good because we got
to know all the other girls our age better, which I liked.
We all got to wear the awesome color of yellow! You know
mom was happy about that!

Kristy & Me

We got to go on the Stake 1st year hike. We got to teach
them tons of first aid stuff: like what to do if you hurt your
ankle, or if you choke, or if you are bleeding severly. We
taught them all how to do this and then we set off for the
hike. Kristy, first, pretended to trip and hurt her ankle, the
acting could have gotten her a gig in hollywood, haha. Some
of the girls fell for her acting, but many didnt. We had the
girls fix her ankle like we had taught earlier. Then a lady got
lost, and we had the girls solve it. The next trick was that Caitlyn was supposed to pretend
to choke, only when she did it, her tootsie roll really got lodged in the back of her throat and
she started choking. All of us just thought she was really good at acting and so we took a step
back to let Corinne, who was supposed to Heimlich her, do her duty. Corinne panicked but was
able to get the candy out of Caitlyns throat. It was way scary. Caitlyn continued on the hike still and a little way on we came upon one of our leaders who was all bloody and the girls were supposed to treat her. She just used ketchup so it did look fake, nonetheless we didn't expect to hear all the 1st years, who had nothing to compare camp to, complain and mumble about having to do it. I told the mumbling girls that they were lucky to get to do it this way then watch us do it all and boringly take an hour to instruct how it is all done properly. There was no more mumbling that I could hear after that. :)

Me & J'nell McBride & Jessica Craig

These girls were so cute on the 1st year hike. They were 2
of the girls who didnt get mad about anything up there. I
also found out that Jessica is a fellow Edward Cullen lover from
the Twilight series, like me, and J'nell is a traitor in liking
Jacob best. Haha. At the end of the week Jessica got the
Mrs. Jessica Cullen award because she constantly talked about him all week.

Jessica Jarvis & Me

Jessica is the most perfect person in the world. She is a special needs girl and is amazing. I'd met her before camp but never talked to her for long. For some reason, she really took a liking to me and Kristy. Every devotional, and time we were at the amphitheater, she was there, by my side. She wasn't a part of our ward, but she always made me promise to save her a seat next to me and of course she wanted Kris there too. She was always so sweet and she kept the girls around us quiet too. Everytime someone would talk during a devotional she would tap them and let them know that they needed to be quiet. She hung out with us up until the last day when the buses departed. She was so cute and so nice!